Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dan Clancey... er ah Yancey


Anonymous said...

You guys are really creepy but I get a kick out of watching you anyway! You did something the other night, late night (while I was in one of my insomnia episodes) that was such a treat for me. You showed a film I've been searching for everywhere. I believe the title is "Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman". I saw this at the drive-in back in the 60s and it was a favorite of mine. Thanks and please show it again (and again, and again).

administrator said...

This show is soooo bad it's good; seriously, I will sit in bed watching SBT, thinking how bad it is in every way (the movies themselves, the acting in the segments), but I cannot turn it off. It's almost like I think, "how much worse can this get?", and the next segment proves to me that it can get a lot worse.

Anonymous said...

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